Hey There!
Thank you for your interest in hosting Workshops and Event Planning with us.
Beginning in April 2024, there will be two main options for how to work with Espace Reverie to bring your offering to life in this space.
Option A: "In Collaboration" with Espace Reverie
"In Collaboration" events and classes where the terms of our partnership will be flexible in terms of negotiating what works best for each individual with regards to profit sharing vs. rental fees, how events are promoted (ex. through Reverie social media channels/mailing list). In order for events to be truly "In Collaboration" with Espace Reverie, there are a few fundamental requirements that I've identified as being crucial to my business and clientele:
All events must be bookable through the Espace Reverie website and booking link. Note, this does not mean it has to be exclusively available through these channels, but it is a requirement that our clients have the option of booking through the weekly class schedule.
There will be a requirement to plan for the number of spots that have been advertised to allow for last-minute bookings and drop-ins. The nature of this community is such that we won't know the exact number of participants who will be in attendance far in advance, and there is a need for folks to hop in at their convenience if enough spaces remain in the class. As such, unless the workshop requires perishable items that cannot be returned or re-used at a later date, you will be expected to provide enough supplies and set-up for the spaces indicated unless otherwise agreed upon.
I will need to have equal input as to the cost, time, methods of advertising, and other specific details of the workshops to ensure that the values and priorities of the Reverie brand are upheld.
To discuss a collaborative workshop or class, please reach out to directly with specifics around what you'd like to offer in as much detail as possible! Please do note that there will be times when I'll need to postpone a full collaborative effort due to bandwidth limitations!
Option B: Private Event at Espace Reverie
I fully appreciate that the above terms do not coincide with the needs of every small business or instructor, so, as such, I've created an alternative option for a straight space rental which will allow much more flexibility and control on the part of the instructor. Below you will find a link to the Booking Request form where you can fill out the details of your proposed workshop including date, time, number of people, etc.
So long as the subject matter aligns with the Espace Reverie values, and that the dates proposed work well with the existing schedule, you can book the space as needed. The terms of this are listed in the form, but to reiterate, here they are listed here as well:
Rental Terms:
- Workshop requests need to be verified and approved by Owner.
- Fees are $50/hour for length of workshop.
- Set-up and take down time is included (please specify if you have special requirements).
- Registration and participant tracking/communication is the responsibility of the workshop instructor.
- Promotion and advertising is the responsibility of the workshop instructor.
- Collection of fees is the responsibility of the workshop instructor.
So long as the terms above are respected, you have free reign to run your workshop as you wish (within reason, ha!).
Here is the link for the form:
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Susie Ward
Owner, Espace Rêverie